Happy Fall, everyone!
Other than the recent forest fire smoke, it’s been beautiful in the Fraser Valley.
As mentioned in a previous update, one of the ongoing challenges that offenders and paroles face is the battle against addiction.
I am no expert in addiction, although I’ve had the privilege to support numerous friends and family through facing the challenges of addiction, but one of the experts who has helped me understand the challenges and treatments of addiction more clearly is Dr. Gabor Maté.
Dr. Maté was very active in caring for patients with significant addiction challenges in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. I find his book, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, invaluable. His most recent book, The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture, is also very relevant for the support we provide in reintegration.
Another resource you might find helpful as you support men and women who may face significant addiction challenges, or perhaps face addiction challenges yourself, is this valuable podcast/YouTube episode with Dr. Maté and Tim Ferriss, Episode 620: "The Myth of Normal, Metabolizing Anger, Processing Trauma, and Finding the Still Voice Within."
While it doesn't communicate from a ‘faith’ perspective, I believe it can be invaluable in helping all of us understand the vulnerabilities in each of our lives where we are especially susceptible to temptation and weakness.
(Edit for clarity: I just want to take a moment and emphasize that this interview in no way represents Better Life's endorsement of spiritual or cultural practices discussed in the course of the podcast. My hope is that we could learn from Dr. Maté's expertise regarding addiction, specifically the discussion of issues of attachment and vulnerability, and the role they play in addiction and recovery.)
Adam Wiggins
Executive Director
